From time to time, we need to convert certain units and do not remember / don't know how to do this. How many kilometers is one mile? How many liters are there in a gallon? Pounds in a kilo? Feet in a meter?
That's what A Simple Unit Convertor will do for you, in a simple, fast, reliable, cost-free way. It has all the units you can think of, divided in the following categories: Length, Area, Temperature, Energy, Mass, Time, Speed, Power, Pressure, Volume and Density.
A simple Unit Convertor also offers such a feature as rounding, and allows the user to determine the Decimal Rounding Amount.
Also, a great feature it includes is the capability to add a needed conversion that it is not in the initial list to satisfy more specific needs, making this software completely customizable, because you can also edit the defined conversion tables if needed.
A Simple Unit Convertor also includes a help file which shows the user how to use this tool, its conversions and how to add / edit the conversion tables.